Webcast: Meet the UpStarters at the Good for the World Open Days (morning only)

Mon 21 May 8:55am — 12pm

The official webcast of the Techweek'18 headline event - Meet the Upstarters | Good for the World Open Days (morning only) brought to you by Callaghan Innovation
This event has already happened!

The first session is an introduction to the Upstarters ­­— New Zealand’s leading innovators who are changing the way the way the world does business. This three-hour session (with breaks) is an entry point to New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem — discover its unique connectedness, its novel approach to doing business, and its driving force: solving global problems. See full event details here >>


9.00am—9.20am | Welcome and opening
9.20am—9.50am | Peter Beck: New Ideas from a New Place — being an Upstarter
9.50am—10.30am | Revolution Fibres & Dotterel: Natural Collaborations
10.30am—10.50am | Break
10.50am—11.20am | Callaghan Innovation: Innovation from the edge
11.20am—11.45am | Gallagher: Open, Trusted, Stable
11.45am—12.00pm | Wrap up and close

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